To Find Dispersive Power of a Prism Using Spectrometer |
To find the Wavelength of Sodium Light by Newton's Ring Experiment |
To Find the Wavelength of Sodium Light by Fresnel Bi-prism Experiment |
Determination of Thickness of a Thin Wire by Interference Fringes. |
To Determine the Resolving Power of a Telesco |
To Determine Young Modulus of Glass by Carnus Methods. |
To Find the Wavelength of Sodium Light by Michelson Interferometer. |
To Determine the Value of Rydberg's Constant with the Help of Diffraction Grating and a Hydrogen Tube. |
To Study the Absorption Spectrum of Lodine Vapours. |
To Determine the Focal Length of the Combination of Two Lenses Separated by a Distance with the Help of a Nodal Slide. |
To Measure the Divergence of a Diode Laser Source. |
To Determine the Wavelength of Helium Neon Laser Light by Using Trasmittion Diffraction Grating |
Fiber Optics- Determination of Numerical Aperture, Acceptance Angle and Lose in an Optical Fiber. |
To Compare the Illuminating Power of Two Given Sources of Light Using a Lummer-Brodhum Photometer. |
To Find the Velocity of Ultrasonic Waves in a Given Liquid |
To Plot a Graph Between the Difference of Temperature of the Two Junctions and the Thermo-e.m.f. for a Copper Constantan Thermo-Couple Using a Potentiometer. |
To Compare the Capacitance of Two Capacitors by De Sauty's Bridge and to Find the Dielectric constant of Medium |
To Verify Richardson Thermionic Equation |