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Physics Lab

To Find Dispersive Power of a Prism Using Spectrometer

To find the Wavelength of Sodium Light by Newton's Ring Experiment

To Find the Wavelength of Sodium Light by Fresnel Bi-prism Experiment


Determination of Thickness of a Thin Wire by Interference Fringes.

To Determine the Resolving Power of a Telesco

To Determine Young Modulus of Glass by Carnus Methods.


To Find the Wavelength of Sodium Light by Michelson Interferometer.

To Determine the Value of Rydberg's Constant with the Help of Diffraction Grating and a Hydrogen Tube.

To Study the Absorption Spectrum of Lodine Vapours.


To Determine the Focal Length of the Combination of Two Lenses Separated by a Distance with the Help of a Nodal Slide.

To Measure the Divergence of a Diode Laser Source.

To Determine the Wavelength of Helium Neon Laser Light by Using Trasmittion Diffraction Grating


Fiber Optics- Determination of Numerical Aperture, Acceptance Angle and Lose in an Optical Fiber.

To Compare the Illuminating Power of Two Given Sources of Light Using a Lummer-Brodhum Photometer.

To Find the Velocity of Ultrasonic Waves in a Given Liquid


To Plot a Graph Between the Difference of Temperature of the Two Junctions and the Thermo-e.m.f. for a Copper Constantan Thermo-Couple Using a Potentiometer.

To Compare the Capacitance of Two Capacitors by De Sauty's Bridge and to Find the Dielectric constant of Medium

To Verify Richardson Thermionic Equation


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